zero waste office supplies

Tips for a zero waste home office

posted in: low waste 0

zero waste office supplies


Preparing to write this post, I was going through my office supplies, and I realized something.

I still use the same office supplies I purchased nearly twenty years ago! (Yes, I was that kind of teenager - in fact, I even played "office" when I was a kid, organizing my parents' supplies and writing memos). The staple-free stapler I bought at P'lovers in Park Lane Mall still works perfectly; I will always adore my little bronze book darts; and I still use the eraser-free pencils I inherited from my dad's government job. *

What do these things have in common? They're eco-friendly and designed to last. I like them, I look after them, and they're useful.

Over on Simple Local Life, I'm sharing tips for a more sustainable home office. 

To read more about this series, check out this post.

Do you also enjoy office supplies? What are your favourites? Share in comments or tag @simplelocallife and @livinglocavore on Instagram!

p.s. Do you know the difference between pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled content!


*this post includes affiliate links. I encourage you to support local, but if you do purchase online, doing so through these links will support my work here in a small way.